
AnswerEye -- best yahoo answer tool

It is well known that Yahoo! Answers is an absolute goldmine overflowing with targeted traffic, warmed up with ready-to-buy prospects that can be converted to sales. Yes, with Yahoo! Answers, you too can have far more traffic than you can handle, no real matter what amount you are already getting today.

But the trouble is that conventional traffic methods are time consuming. If you want to see any real results you have to get very active, answer enough questions so that your advertisment gets enough exposure, and continue steadily to do so on a regular basis. So for getting really good traffic from Yahoo! Answers, you need to answer 30, 100, 200 or more every day or week. The more questions you answer, the more traffic you get, but this sure takes a heck of a lot of time... and time is money.

And what if you have multiple niche markets you want to attack? On the other hand, if you want to answer many questions in a short time, you must work on multi-Yahoo accounts at the same time and manage them well. This could become a great inconvenience too....


With our newest Answereye, you can over come the above problems quite easily, somewhat increase your web site traffic and make money VERY FAST, sometimes in just a few minutes! It is very easy to use and master, and with only a few mouse clicks, you can run and then simply forget about it. The absolute best "Set and Forget" methodology you will see in a long time!

The Money is in the Traffic and Yahoo! Answers is an amazing source of traffic. Yahoo! Answers is a gold mine waiting to be fully explored. The concept is very simple: People ask questions, you answer the questions with your link to your site and then you get the traffic.

This simple concept however , can bring you fantastic results, because you just have to focus on the questions that are related to your niche. All visitors from your email address details are highly targeted and the conversions are equally very high.

The visitors will come from two directions, the first being from the person asking the question. Once a question is asked, Yahoo will send the asker an email with your answer. Almost 99% of askers will then visit your link, as long as your answer is not too bad. See following picture (Yahoo emails me the answer to my question. I can even browse the answer and visit people's link directly from my email).

On the other hand, there are many people searching on Yahoo! Answers, which means you will also get traffic from those searchers every day and almost all visitors are highly targeted aswell. And along with the increase of your answers posted on Yahoo! Answers day by day, the traffic you get per day will increase in the same proportion.

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